Saturday, April 25, 2009

WOW!Yeah!No way that I would find an excuse for not posting so long...I am just not a blogger kind of person BUT I have decided to try updating my blog now (we will see how long it will last - haha). The reason is that I am going through some changes in my life - location-wise - of course:))) Moreover, there was not so much stuff going on in my life since I updated last time BUT now there is a lot to talk about!:) As you all know me, staying in Slovakia is not my thing. This time, however, I stayed there for...let me count...10 months!!!Wow!Don't get me wrong - I loved hanging out with my friends and going to my church (I love you all so much!!!!Don't get mad at me, please!:))) but I felt there was something else that God intended for me. First I thought I was supposed to go back to the States and I did maximum for it. However, that was not God's plan for me, at least not for now. So I decided to go to England - I think I am still not fully realizing it even though I see it here written and I am in England right now!So yeah...I am in Bristol, England with my dear friend Miska. We got here yesterday and did some exploring today and I have to say that I love this city so far! There is my favorite Starbucks and Subway here and also lots of great stores like in the States. Of course, beautiful architecture that made us both (Miska and me) say Wow! at the same time and lots of greenery. The other thing I like a lot is that there are people of different nationalities living here. So I wouldn't mind living here at all. Even the British accent is not so bad! The only problem is that we don't have jobs yet and that's kinda important part of life if we don't want to live under a bridge (there are many bridges here!:)) and starve. So this way I would like to ask you if you could pray for us that God would provide jobs and a place to stay for us as well as church. I will keep you updated how the things are (and if not, you are allowed to kick me or something so I would do that:)). Cheers for now! And thank you all!!!Miss you all very much!