Latin Link is a Christian mission organisation with a passion for Latin America. Most of its members work in Latin America or with Latin Americans in other parts of the world. They bring their gifts, knowledge and skills in order to meet needs. They work in the following countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Peru, Spain, Germany, UK, Ireland and Switzerland.
I really like their mission- here it is:
"Our mission is to evangelise, to teach and equip, to prepare people for life and work, to develop their God-given potential and help them grow in the service of others. In Christian terms, Latin Link is about whole-life discipleship which we believe to be God’s heart for every person and every community." (taken from Latin Link website -
There are many ways how one can be involved with Latin Link in Latin America or here. One of the ways is to send people out there in the form of short-term mission trips (Step teams), individual placements (Stride - from 6 months to 2 years - that's what I will be doing :)) or longer, on-going service (Stay).
I heard of this organization for the first time almost one year ago. My friend mentioned it while we were having a cup of coffee (Starbucks of course :)) When I got home, I immediately went to check it out online and I suddenly felt this excitement in my heart (that didn't happen when I was looking into other organizations online). Couple months later (after lots of praying) I went to see their Roadshow in London. There I found out a little bit more about what they do. I could also see that they were really into Jesus! Praise the Lord! I saw this video there and it touched my heart (and still does every time I see it). Please watch it if you have a moment...
If you want to know more, please visit Latin Link website -
Talk to you soon! :)